Tuesday 10 December 2013

Gubahan Mas Kahwin

Assalamualaikum readers,

As i was surfing and dreaming etc... tiba-tibe terfikir pasal duit hantaran/ mas kahwin nanti. Ada la satu masa ni, nak buat macam Irma Hasmie- guna Dinar Emas. I tot, that's a good idea! But when i go through all the process and research before buying Dinar Emas, it's actually a hassle especially if you kinda want to use/sell back the gold in short period. Banyak songehnya. You have to book them first from the dealer. Meet the dealer somewhere safe, in public and COD Cash On Delivery. If you happened to buy Dinar Emas for an exchange of RM thousands and above, imagine your worries. 

Some Dinar vendors put strict rules and terms on their customers. Cth: 1 Coin Dinar Emas sold in plastic seal. If you want to re-sell the item back to the vendor, they require original certificate, receipt and condition of the Dinar whether its bent, scratched, bitten (ada org gigit ye) or even a slight dent. If the plastic seal was even opened, broken, damaged, harga akan turun as low as 25-40% from original buying price. Rugi kan!

Ada orang cakap, emas sekarang tgh murah... so baik beli now. Nope. I stand to be corrected especially on Dinar Emas. Dinar Emas is a pelaburan, and emas perhiasan valued even lower than emas pelaburan. You should check this vendor. He's good. He even advise customers.


Enchek tunang tak kisah. He even nk beli lagi banyak kalau ada duit lebih, tapi nnt dulu ye. Dahulukan apa yang penting dulu. So, we (cehwah, padahal banyaknya from my ideas yang kuat berangan ni) decided to just use cash. To make it different, i came accross a good idea from what Erma Fatima and Apple Corp paid their suers-syillings!! Hehehe... berat la dulang mas kahwin tu nanti. I had my idea already. Nnt kita tgk end result ok? 

Until then. Keep dreaming!


(B2b... perasan)

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